December 12th, 2023
Outsourcing chemical tests to another company is more than offloading work to a third party. It’s about building a relationship with another company and providing your clients with quality service. This can help you secure more opportunities in the marketplace. Here’s what you need to put in place before you start contracting to an enthalpy testing lab.
Evaluate the facility
Carry out an audit of the facility and evaluate its capabilities. When doing this, consider various things, such as if they can handle the volume of work you want done. Also, weigh the kind of support that you’ll receive from the company. Know what methods they’ll use to onboard you and to do the work. They should be able to do the work in a timely and efficient way.
Inform stakeholders
Consider letting your stakeholders know that you’ll be outsourcing thermoanalytical testing. This can prevent problems in future, especially if some people may object to using third-party service providers. Some stakeholders might even want to offer advice on what you need to consider when contracting out the work. These are concerns that you should be open to listening to.
Have a system in place to evaluate performance and how the entire system is working for you. Assess how the entire outsourcing is effective. Some of the key performance indicators include number of specimens tested and how many results were received on time. Have a monitoring body. Evaluations can be done monthly and some annually or semi-annually.
Have a contract in place for self accelerating decomposition temperature testing. Specify the contractual obligations to guarantee accountability. A contract also helps to maintain a good relationship between the two companies involved.
Have a checklist for sample processing. This helps to provide accurate handling of the samples and optimization of the model being used. Some of the things ensure accurate quantities, labeling and that the sample is in good condition, among other things.