Our company provides chemical process safety and process development services. Testing procedures employ ASTM protocols where applicable. Listed below is a comprehensive list of services we offer our clients. Please contact Kinetica for more information.
- Accelerating Rate Calorimetry, ASTM E 1981
- Bomb Calorimetry, ASTM D 240-19, D 4809, ISO 1716:2018(E)
- cGLP Studies
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- EPA Explodability Testing
- Heats of Reaction for Monomer Polymerization
- Oxidative Induction Time
- Polymer Heat of Formation from Heats of Combustion
- Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (PDSC), ASTM E 1194-17, E 1782-14, and E 2071-00(2015)
- Pyrotechnics Heat of Combustion
- SADT / SAPT Testing
- Solution Calorimetry
- Specific Heat Capacity
- Standard Enthalpy of Formation
- Thermal Characterization/Qualification of Explosives and Pyrotechnics
- Thermochemical and Thermokinetic Parameters